The Inspiration

During a Biathlon event in our hometown, Tongeren, we got involved in a chat with ultra- and marathon runners.

"I cannot tolerate gels anymore, I did not finish my last two ultras because of stomach issues."

"Since, a year ago I only started eating fruit and some nuts, never felt better....sometimes a pizza but that one is for the mind."

"All products in the shop are rubbish and overly-processed, I stopped trying them and just eat natural now."

The subject of nutrition during sports immediately became an obsession that day. our founder just graduated from his engineering and entrepreneurship courses and was eager to find a solution for their problem.

The Research

We picked up the book 'Eat & Run' from Scott Jurek. "I read it 7 times and the 8th time is long overdue" one of the first ultrarunning contacts told me. "You will find useful insights about ultra running here." Although nutrition for ultra runners isn't the main focus of the book, it was very clear that the more demanding the endurance activity, the more important nutrition becomes.

Months followed of studying research papers, consulting sport dieticians and bothering KULeuven professors with our questions on food production and sport nutrition. We finally had a clear view of the endurance sporters requirements and the nutrition elements we had to adhere to.

We reached out to more ultra- and marathon runners to help us design a product that would finally check all the boxes of their nutritional needs.... and so Pure·E was born.

The Making & Testing

Each batch we made was carefully tested and reviewed by our team of high performance athletes. We collected all the feedback on different areas and improved the quality of the product until we finally found the version that checked all the boxes.

For over six months we conducted trials with the last version of the product and the results were beyond expectations. 95% of the testers preferred Pure·E above the several sports products they used to consume over the past years.

We found a great partner with the right expertise and equipment to produce our high quality Pure·E's. However, due to global crises it was a tremendous challenge to get our hands on the specific packaging and ingredients we use for our product. Long lead times, order cancellations and inflation delayed our launch for over a half year...but just like you guys, we don't give up so easily.

In the meantime we contacted more endurance athletes and gained some hardcore fans. Like Guy Glorieux (picture). Every year Guy takes up a Herculean task for the good cause. Last year he challenged himself to cycle to Slovenia and back to Belgium, with an energy reserve of 24 packages of Pure·E. You can read more on his adventure on our blog.

Right before the summer of 2022, we are happy to finally launch our first product!

The Future

Our mission is very clear: to develop more products

All Natural, Fresh and without additives!

There are already a couple of new projects in the pipeline that are focused on consumption during endurance activities, load up before intensive sporting and recovery.

We develop these products through conversation and collaboration with our customers. If you would like to have a new flavor or want to work together on a new product?

reach out to us:

Keep pushing and good luck!

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