Maintain Energy

The majority of sport supplements (mostly gels) contain only overly processed carbohydrates with added preservatives that are likely the reason why your stomach is upset. These fast carbohydrates are absorbed and give you a harmful energy spike that is quickly followed by a dip, making you hit that 'runners wall' earlier than expected in combination with gastrointestinal issues. These sport supplements can provide an energy boost towards the end of the race but if the road is long, won't favor your performance and leaves you wiped out.

That's why a lot of ultra-runners prefer eating balanced whole foods. Our formula of the right amount of protein and fat prolong the absorption and stabilize the multiple transportable carbohydrate blend. protein and fat will additionally become a favorable fuel substrate for low- and moderate endurance activity. That's why with our product you avoid these harmful energy spikes and minimizes gastrointestinal symptoms all with the advantage of natural products.

Our product was initially designed for ultra- and marathon runners to fulfil these nutritional needs for their demanding challenges. Our tests with recreational and professional runners, triathletes and cyclists shows that the product is fit for all endurance activity that lasts longer than 30 minutes.

Get your amount and timing right

Our product is designed to optimize digestion. However, nutritional intake capacity can and should be trained for optimal results. It can take a couple tries before you nail down the timing and amount of consumption.

We typically suggest you to start consuming half a pack after 30-60 min, and then half a pack again every hour of exercise. You can build up to 1 or 2 packages every hour according to your nutritional needs and experience. Make sure to keep an eye on your daily consumption and if you plan on doing a demanding endurance challenge, consult a dietician.

Nothing should be forced! If you feel better with your own method, go right ahead and let us know what works for you!

Charge and recuperate

The body needs more than just protein to fully refuel and assist in building muscle. Consuming a protein shake alone won't do the trick.

Pure·E is a balanced nutrient-dense mix with natural protein, carbohydrates, essential fats and vitamins excellent for recovery after a high-intensity workout or a long endurance activity.

Our first customers indicated that the product is excellent for recuperation and alleviates post-exercise fatigue, that often remains throughout the day.

Consume half a package 30 minutes before high intensity sports and the other half immediately after the activity to recuperate.
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